So my friend and I went to the Harry Potter book release last night at Chapters. We arrived around 9:30pm and the book was not allowed to be sold until midnight. We strolled around drinking Iced Vanilla Latte's (decaf of course, I'd still be awake if it was regular). We looked at the bargain books, checked out the classics and then wandered over to the kids section. I was showing her the Walter the Farting Dog series and we giggled at the poor dog and his flatulence issue and then I walked down the aisle and low and behold a huge shelf of Schleich figures. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of maybe smurfs being on the shelf. I scanned quickly, nothing...I searched slowly nothing. Bummer, so close but yet still no smurfs in the stores in Canada. That's it, bags are packed, smurfs in pockets, I'm moving to Australia.