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Postby Fram » Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:33 am
I was rummaging through some boxes on my attic (attic? no not attic, the thing beneath your roof, whatever) yesterday, looking for some figurines for JT (I haven't forgotten you, I'm almost there!), and I came across some Smurf stuff as well. Some of it I knew I had somewhere (like most of the OMO mini Smurfs, or some of the clip-ons from Schleich), but I had completely forgotten that I even have a INA Smurf (the hammer one, but damaged). Lots of other goodies, common and rare, nice and ugly: I have to take some pictures one day. The website will have to wait until I have a good Smurf room, so it's easier to order things...
I'm just curious what's in the ten boxes I can't reach for the moment :-? Mainly puzzles, glasses and cups, but perhaps some Super smurfs as well? I believe I'm still missing a few of those that I used to have. Damn, too much stuff, too little space :lol:
I'll try to post a pic of some of those Smurfs later, if I find the time...
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Guest » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:25 am
Hello Fram, i'd say attic or loft ! hope you find some more goodies up there, its amazing what these places can hold ! :-D :beer:

Postby Rachel » Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:23 am
Hi Fram, sounds like you have been having fun in your attic. Funnily enough, after the Schlumpf Passion I will always have images of you rumaging through boxes looking for "lucks". :D

I am really hoping our smurf room will start to take shape soon. I have started stripping wallpaper and got some of the display cabinets from Ikea yesterday. I have moved all the boxes into our spare bedroom for now and I have to admit I have taken a peek into a few, it has been so long since I have even seen the stuff in boxes, it is killing me......... :o
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:36 am
I am really hoping our smurf room will start to take shape soon. I have started stripping wallpaper
I am hoping my smurf room looks ok too.....Syd is in there cleaning up after stripping the Rollerskaters while I was chatting up that hatstand.....the scramble to escape his clutches almost destroyed the village.

:o um, getting back to the topic....

That sounds like a bit of a treasure hunt there Fram and that INA sounds really cool...it's one of the last ones I don't have (Chef as well) so I would chew through the roof to get into the attic or whatever that room thingy that's up there is called. It sounds really exciting notknowingexactly what's there and I hope you find some great super smurfs.....maybe a Jokey w/ Box wouldn't be bad....good luck and I look forward to the cool pics when you have the time.


Postby Fram » Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:46 am
Well, I know that I don't have any of the really rare Supers, the only old one I had that's in a box is probably the piano (which I love), and a bunch of new ones, like hammock, the two sunbathers, and either PC or laptop. I don't remember if I have the scooter ones, I certainly don't have the racing cars. But you see the extent of it, not very much, but enough to have forgotten exactly what's in there :-) No Schlumpfburg, definitely :(
Also my Smurf magazines (in Dutch mainly) are located in four or five places / boxes, so I have no idea at all which ones I have or haven't.
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Nivid » Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:01 am
I wish I had a attic

it sure sounds fun goin up there and finding stuff

I liked your post Fram :cool:
Nivid :hiya:
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