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Postby Tamtam » Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:47 am
I need some opinions here. I just won an item on ebay and when I contacted the buyer about total costs so I could pay, they sent me the link to the UPS site so I could figure it out myself.

My question is for everyone who has won items of of ebay would you prefer to calculate shipping yourself or would you rather have the seller provide the cost at the end of the auction?

Both seem to have their benefits but I personally prefer to have the shipping amount from the seller. They know how they are going to package the item and so far I have only been over charged once and it wasn't a huge amount.
The last package that arrived from the US was sent for 4.00US and it had the equivalent of two supers. When I went to the UPS site, the cheapest to ship was 15.95US and that was without insurance and shipping time of 4-6 weeks.
I sent a message back asking if they could figure out the cost for me (sort of played dumb). Hopefully they will be kind enough to help me out.


Postby Guest » Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:54 pm
Hi Tam

That's outrageous that they are trying to get you to calculate the cost yourself! Of course they should calculate the cost, they know how much it weighs, are you supposed to be a mindreader? Are they new to ebay or something? How ridiculous! :eek:

Postby Tamtam » Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:00 pm
Thanks Karen! I thought it was a bit off of protocol. The seller is fairly new to ebay. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that they email me back with a half decent total. I won two supers MIB, the old version for $4.00 US. Part of my smurfy goal for the year. To have most of the Supers MIB. I know there are a few that will take a very long time to get but it should be a fun goal to achieve.


Postby Tamtam » Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:19 pm
OMG, so I just got the invoice....................$17.00 shipping! I am not paying $17.00 shipping, that's outrageous!! Okay, someone help. What are my options here!!

Postby eggie smurf » Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:28 pm
Just for 2 super MIB??? Where is he shipping from? If it's USA, then the post office would be much cheaper than UPS by far. PM me if you'd like me to try and help you out if it's a US seller :D
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Gerda » Sun Jul 24, 2005 6:23 pm
I think alot of sellers are overcharging on ebay right now because the auctions are not going that high. I have been hit already with outragouse fees, it's sad because you really want the smurfs, but you know your getting ripped off on the shipping.

happily smurfing along

Postby aussiesmurfer » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:38 am
I am having a problem with a seller at the moment. Its just one lonely smurf from the US, there was no shipping cost on the auction page but I bidding at the last minute and didn't expect a problem.
Talk about being put off ebay! The seller wanted $11US for airmail shipping. I normally pay $5 Global priority for up to 3 smurfs. So I sent sent emails with no reply and after 3 weeks I got a non paying bidder alert from ebay! I emailed ebay explaining the situation and they basically said there wasn't much I could do except pay up or risk a non paying bidder strike. So I decided to just pay for it and get the smurf and only bid on auctions with a postage quote in the future. Sounds simple right?
I thought so too, till I got the emails after I had paid stating that when she went to post the package she found that insured postage was actually another $15 on top of the $11 I have already paid......... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
needless to say I am ready to fly over there and beat this woman about the head and body with her own packaging materials!!!!!!!!!!!

Yours in frustration,

Postby Guest » Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:09 pm
Tell her to post it to Staci or Gerda and request a refund on the extra you paid for shipping to Australia. She can't argue that shipping to the states is more or as much as within the US. Then speak nicely to Staci, or Gerda, and ask they send him along at a later date. It might still cost you as much when you add up the two lots of postage but at least the seller isn't making money out of you.

Of course Gerda and Staci might smack me for this suggestion but I just think it would be a good idea to make life difficult for Mrs Bad Seller in the USA.

Postby Tamtam » Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:54 pm
Oh my, what a terrible experience but I do have to say that I am glad I'm not the only one having trouble. I emailed the seller a nice email asking them to double check the shipping cost but haven't heard anything back as of yet. It's a shame that ebay seems to be automatically siding with the seller. True, a winning bid is a binding contract but I agreed to purchase the item with reasonable shipping. I never agreed to pay enough shipping to sink a ship.


Postby Guest » Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:39 pm
Trish why is she insisting on insuring it? Surely that is your choice? Most US sellers I know don't use insurance because it is so costly, what gave her the right to insure it without checking with you first? Why don't you send a copy of her email to the person who emailed you from ebay and ask what they think?

Postby eggie smurf » Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:14 pm
I won't smack Karen -- you can definitely see if they'll ship to me because even if they ship priority in the states it'll be at most $3.85 for one smurf! And I just sent one smurf to Brad for $0.80 so that is a lot better than 11 F***ing dollars!! That's pretty nerve-y if you ask me anyway, what do they think, you just fell off the smurf turnip truck?? And if they won't budge on the postage thing and don't mail the smurf, YOU can report THEM especially since you already paid what was quoted to you. :banghead: Good luck!!
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Tamtam » Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:50 pm
OMG, guess what!!!! The seller emailed me back and the total with shipping will be $10.30. Now fingers crossed that they arrive safely and not mangled. I really didn't think that this one was going to take a good turn but it turns out, so far, that all is well. Lets hope Trish's ordeal is over soon and it turns out in her favor.


Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:58 pm
I've got my fingers crossed for you Tam and sorry to hear about all of the problems for both you and Trish.

Trish.....I will be receiving packages from both Staci & Gerda soon, so if it's alright with them and if it helps you, you could add the smurf to one of my packages and then I can just pass it on to you when they arrive.


Postby eggie smurf » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:54 pm
Awesome, Tam :D

And good idear, Dyar :D
:dory: Staci :dory:
Postby hugofilia » Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:35 am
We all have these hooror stories. Last wek i bought 2 smurfs from 2 different sellers in UK.
Both airmail. One charged me 2 GBP they other 6 GBP????
I am saying 1 smurf in both case. The second lower it to 4 GBP after some protest. When i have received it , the post mark said 1.37GBP.

On another matter , it is difficult to discuss shipping prices as the weight is important and , in Canada, the size makes a big difference. I know i ship from both countries ( USA AND CANADA) the difference is outrageous. Canada Post is very greedy.
So to discus shipping prices you have to compare apple vs apple which mean you need all the details.
Also filler and boxes or bubble enveloppes have to be bought ...sometimes and the gaz being $ 1.00 a liter here it has to be taken into consideration.
I love to create situation with smurfs and change or add colors.

Postby aussiesmurfer » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:05 pm
Thanks for all you suggestions guys, but the seller hasn't actually responded to any of my emails, in the last email I got from her she did mention that she had a lot of emails "bounced" and gave me another email address. She hasn't replied to that one either, or the one I sent through ebay. So I also don't know why she wants to send it insured as I never asked for that in the first place! The $11US postage that I paid was suposedly uninsured........


Postby Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:12 am
From the UK anything that weighs under 100g should be the same rate. So you should be able to get up to 3 normal smurfs shipped for the same rate as just 1.

Some sellers may look like they can ship cheaper by sending letter rate, they are not supposed to do that and there is no guarantee a smurf sent letter rate will arrive, it is supposed to go "small packet" rate. Insurance for UK parcels is £3.30 for up to £30 or £4.30 for over that amount.

Postby Gerda » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:15 am
Of course Gerda and Staci might smack me for this suggestion but I just think it would be a good idea to make life difficult for Mrs Bad Seller in the USA.
I wont smack you Karen, I think it is a good idea, That shipping rate is outragouse, but most likely if a seller overcharges the shipping to overseas they will also raise the price stateside. But I would gladly except any smurfs that are overquoted on shipping and then pass them on!

happily smurfing along

Postby aussiesmurfer » Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:27 am
Well my smurf arrived today, the postage on the envelope was all of $1.70US............ :x :x :x :x :x :x

I am going to report the seller for excessive postage costs!


Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:05 am
I'm starting to really crack down on sellers who over charge on postage Trish.....I am sick and tired of sellers doing this and it seems to be happening more and more lately. I would never charge anything other the actual postage cost unless I had to buy the packaging especially for the item. If I want to add extra money then I put it into the starting price rather than have hidden costs as most people know when they are being ripped off and I don't think it's fair to add hidden costs after the item has been won.

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