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Postby Guest » Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:33 am
Thanks Helen, I will think about the minimum order thing.

Postby SuperJen » Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:07 am
I too would be happy with a minimum order set up. After all, it makes an excuse to buy more smurfs doesn't it :)
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Guest » Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:49 am
I also agree with Helen and Jen, perhaps a minimum order value should be introduced, it mite give you more time to yourself karen, who knows ! :-D :beer:

Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:50 pm
Hiya Karen, we have only just seen this thread. We must have missed it first time around. We just want to say we think you are incredibly professional and great to deal with. We have had nothing but perfect smurfs from you, even the ones you have stated are not prefect to us they are . You have very high standards and that is something to be commended for especially when there are some dealers out there who fake and shill bid there own auctions in order to make money out of people. Whoever complained about your smurfs have obviously nothing better to do , we know your great and your smurfs are too :D Lucie , Simon ,Polly and Pudsley :dogrun:

Postby SuperJen » Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:49 pm
Hi Karen,

I want to buy some Smurfs from you. Have you thought about the minimum order thing? I want to get some supers and stuff.
And did I read somewhere that we should be holding off on the orders at the moment?
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:32 pm
We have had nothing but perfect smurfs from you, even the ones you have stated are not prefect to us they are . You have very high standards and that is something to be commended for especially when there are some dealers out there who fake and shill bid there own auctions in order to make money out of people. Whoever complained about your smurfs have obviously nothing better to do , we know your great and your smurfs are too
I agree with Lucie , Simon ,Polly and Pudsley .....nothing but perfection from buying from Karen every time....never been a complaint from me as I have always been very happy with every deal I've made. :D Dyar, Jack, Syd & Toby :dogrun:
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