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Postby forsmf1gradat » Wed May 04, 2005 1:05 pm
I have approx a dozen of the # 1 Grad smurf, and about 1/2 dozen of the smurfette Secretary and a few Grad smurfette. From my research, everything indicates they are real. I am not sure if I want to sell them. Does anyone know the value. Thanks soooo much for all and any help.


Postby Rachel » Wed May 04, 2005 2:06 pm
Hi Margaret, the current prices in the catalogues are:

Der Schlumpf Katalog IV = 120 Euros
Comicfigurine Preiskatalog = 150 Euros


Prices are a lot lower on Ebay, generally selling for between £30 and £50. There are 2 reasons for this, firstly because there are so many fakes around this is dropping the price as people are worried about spending money on a possible fake and there "seems" to be more of them around than there actually are. Secondly, there was a box of them found a few years ago and they were all sold on Ebay at the same time which saw a dramatic drop in their value but is now steadily rising again.

Regarding your smurfs, I would recommend you trying to establish 100% if they are genuine, even if it means sending either pics or even an actual smurf to someone to check. Then it is entirely up to you what you do, if you do decide to sell them I certainly wouldn't flood the market with them all at once. Because of the rarity of these smurfs and what has happened in recent years you would probably be better off hanging on to them for a while longer but that is just MHO............
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby forsmf1gradat » Wed May 04, 2005 7:18 pm
Thanks Rachel.

I'll take your advise and hold on to them for longer. They were in a bag for a long time-what a little longer. I might start collecting them again.
They are sooo cute.
Once I get my digital camera, I'll send a pic to verify authenticity.

Thanks again,

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed May 04, 2005 7:48 pm
Hi Margaret

It sounds like you have quite a nice lot there so you are very fotunate to have these ones. When it comes to what you should do with smurfs then Rachel is always one of the best and fairest people to ask.

Looking forward to seeing some pics when you get a chance. :D

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