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Postby smurfwish » Wed May 04, 2005 3:54 am
I have recently been sorting out my loft and come accross 2x these playsets... 1) Picnic Wish with Sassette and 2) Dippin Diner with Greedy. Each has a Stock No. and Asst No. They are both marked as being licensed through I. M. P. S. (Brussels) Peyo - 1996. I am just trying to establish if they are worth anything apart from sentimental worth, and wondered if any of you smurf pros could help me? :? :? :? :?

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed May 04, 2005 5:35 am
Hi smurfwish

Welcome to the forum :D

Are you able to post some pics of these items to help us answer your question? I think I know the one you mean...they are the bigger almost Irwin type smurfs I believe but it would be good just to confirm this with a pic if possible. If they are then I don't think they are worth big dollars but they do sell and anyway I am not the expert on these ones so maybe someone here can offer you some better advice.

If you are having trouble posting pics then just let us know and I or someone here will be happy to help you. There are many people here who have seen a lot of smurf items over the years and hopefully someone will be able to answer your question a bit better than I can.


Postby Guest » Wed May 04, 2005 6:30 am
I think it might have been the picnic one I bought at Passion for my kids. It wasn't very expensive, they don't generally sell for a lot but that could all change in the future.

Welcome to the forum! :D
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