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Postby baboune » Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:27 pm
Hi everyone,

I made a trade last november with a guy from Denmark and so far I haven't seen the figures he aggreed to send me. I've contacted him many times and he always responded that he sent the figures. Since this is my first trade with him, I don't want to pass a quick judgment on him, so I was wondering if any of you have ever trade with him. His name is Rolf Steinlein.

The trade involve many nice figures including some historical Smurfs, so any comment from somebody who dealt with him would be appreciated... Given the time that has gone by, my hopes are really low now to get these figures, but your comments could be usefull to the whole community.

Best regards from Canada!

Baboune :cheers:

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:30 pm
Hi Baboune

Nice to hear from you once again but I am sorry it is under disappointing circumstances.

I am not aware of this person so I can't help you but hopefully someone here might know of him and be able to offer some more info for you.

Good luck as it sounds like it was a very nice deal and I can understand your worry at this point.


Postby JT » Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:09 pm
First of all, I haven´t trade with this guy and I don´t know him.
I too live in Scandinavia and I received package from Canada which was travelling over a month. Still two months sounds too much. I hope everything goes well, maybe he is just one of those slow senders, who always promise to go Post office tomorrow (I haven´t met one though, but I´ve heard there might be people like that)


Postby pekkelien » Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:41 am
im still waiting on a package that i normaly would off had 14 days ago
sorry i never dealt with dennmark before
i hope it all turns up well for you
is he a forum member
i know when i will trade it will be with people i trust

Postby Guest » Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:51 pm
Hi Baboune. Sorry but I don't this person either. If he is saying he sent them then perhaps he has and they have got lost in the post? Did he insure them at all or get a tracking number? How did you first make contact with him?

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:22 pm
Hi Baboune

As it has been well documented here, I have had some parcels go missing for months too so maybe it is held up in the post somewhere. Is there any chance he could track them for you to find out where they went?

I hope they turn up

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