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Postby eggie smurf » Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:11 pm
I had a rather funny smurfy dream last night - I'm sure you've all had them so if yours are weirder than this one, you should post! I was in the backseat of a convertible driven by actor Ben Stiller and his mother was in the passenger seat...not sure if she was his real mother or not because she was holding the largest bouquet of gladiolas I've ever seen and they were covering her whole head!! So Ben Stiller is driving really really fast and I had to hold on for dear life. He was on his way to some mansion and the owner there had this incredible collection of rare and expensive smurfs. I really wasn't supposed to be in the car and snuck in so that I could see the rare and expensive smurfs as well. When we got to the mansion, I snuck out of the car and followed Ben to where he was supposed to meet this rich smurf collector. Well as I was hiding behind some shrubs, I saw four men with big rifles and they were talking about killing Ben and the collector so they could steal the smurfs!! Before I had a chance to warn them, I heard shots, so I ran into this mansion to hide....and to try to find the smurfs, of course. As I'm going through this huge house, I heard the gunmen so I ducked into a room and shut the door. Somehow I got a hold of my fiance, Jason, on the phone and he showed up to save me and these smurfs. As soon as he arrived, he closed the door to the room I was in but didn't lock it. So we both ran to the door and were pushing it shut as someone was trying to push it open. The door handle was a smurfhead with a lock, then there was a small chain and a larger chain lock on the door. This was the only smurf thing in the room. Then Jason pulls out a little handgun (don't know where he found that!) and shot through the door where the person's head should have been. But he didn't hit anything so we looked through the bullet hole and there was a munchkin from the Wizard of Oz on the other side. I think it was one of the lollipop guild. So Jason shot lower and took out the munchkin :o After that I woke up without ever finding the rare and expensive smurfs :eek: But it was still a pretty smurfy dream if you ask me!!
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Guest » Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:13 pm
Now I know why you get on so well with Dyar, with an imagination like that!!! LOL :-D :D :-D

Postby eggie smurf » Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:14 pm
Yes - we are two of a kind :D But don't tell him that! I like to have him think he is stranger than I :grin:
:dory: Staci :dory:
Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:31 pm
Do you think that one of the men with big guns was Dyar trying to smurf nap some more little blue fella's for his collection? :?

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:13 am
Now Stace I know you said you liked them......but don't eat too many of those cookies I sent you....not all in one go unless you plan to live in that house you thought you dreamt of.

I know the house well it was Rachel's house and Attom and myself were entering with guns to steal the blue loot when Staci's cookies kicked in and suddenly the smurfs turned into Munchikins and they were everywhere.

Lucie you should of seen the teeth on some of the munchikins too....they could of done with making an appointment through you.

Anyway I will tell you what happens in the end Stace....Jason takes out all of the munchikins and carries you to safety where you say "My Hero" and you guys walk off into the sunset. Attom and myself look at each other and say "well what do we do now that Jason has slaughtered all of the Munchikins". Attom wonders whether they will pass as fake smurfs and I say "maybe if we click our heels 3 times together and say there's no race like smurfs, then they will return to their original form". So after a bit of time persuading Attom to do this as he said it "sounded sissy", we commenced the clicking and the chant and the smurfs appeared again. Attom and myself then started filling our bags full of smurfs when in stepped Rachel & Karen who were armed with Kitty. Rachel said "You ain't taking my smurfs you two big.... (not too sure what the word was but it took 15 minutes for Rachel to get through all of the Welsh syllables). Then Karen unleashed Kitty, Attom and myself suddenly heard the Jaws music as Kitty approached. We jumped out of the window from the second story and ran to the hills. The last thing I heard was that Karen couldn't control Kitty and she ate all of the smurfs in Rachel's house except for one that fell down Staci's top during the early stages when she first entered the house and was discovered by Jason about 15 minutes after leaving the house. Karen finally got control of Kitty and walked her home while Attom and myself parted company because it was a long walk back to our respective countries. The ending part is when Rachel wakes up and automatically checks her smurfs to find they are all still there and says to herself "that's the last time I ever go near Tequila again."

I hope that helps fill in the ending for ya Stace....of course there is a lot more detail but I think Rachel and Karen would kill me if I started putting it all in chapters here on the boards. Especially the graphic sex scene with you and your hero Jason.


Postby eggie smurf » Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:38 am
So that's what happened! Thank you for filling that in - I hate when I wake up too soon before a dream has ended. My favorite part is when Attom said "it sounded sissy" :D :D but you turned it into a nightmare when Kitty ate her way through all the rare and expensive smurfs :o

P.S. Can I have more cookies, Mr. Dyar? 8-)
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Guest » Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:58 am
Hee hee, Kitty is a legend isn't she? :D

Postby Rachel » Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:10 pm
:D :D :D

After a long first day back in work reading this post has cheered me up completely.

Staci, your dream sounds mad. I don't often remember dreams in much detail but yours..............

Dyar, what more can I say but :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I used to have a recurring dream that I would find a box of rugby smurfs in the local indoor market. :eek:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby eggie smurf » Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:37 pm
Rach - finding a whole box would be a great dream! I usually remember my dreams very clearly and this one was just too odd not to mention!
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Aug 20, 2004 10:07 pm
I used to have a recurring dream when I was 9 years old. I would be lying in bed and someone would walk into my room and pull out a big knife and stab me in my stomach. I used to wake up straight away with a sore tummy too. This happened quite a few times and even changed angles later on so I was watching it happen from above or to the side. It scared the hell out of me and I really believed it would happen for real one night and I would die......but it never did...oh I guess you know that don't you. I was so grateful to move out of that house when I was 11 as I thought it could only happen in that place.

2 years later in our new house I shared a room with my brother Arran who liked to leave the windows open at night which terrified me. My bed lied parrallel to the window and was pushed up against it so I could actually stick half of my arm out of the window while still lying down. I remember lying in bed one night when I heard the side gate open and footsteps coming towards the back end of the house. I leaned up to look out the window and saw a silhouette of a person's upper torso from the moonlight reflection against the white garage wall. I laid back down and just instantly froze thinking of that earlier dream. I could hear the movement coming closer to my window and quicker than I would of liked there was a dark head looking directly at me about 1 metre distance from where I was lying. If I was older I would of had a heartattack right then. Suddenly a voice said "Andrew...are you awake?".....it was only my older sister coming home from a late night date with her boyfriend and had forgotten to take the house keys. The sense of relief was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

Later that year we had extenstions put onto the house and my brother was given his own room that was joined to my room where those windows originally were. During the construction there was this big hole about 2 metres by 2 metres in my room that led to my brother's new room. I remember having 13 nightmares in 2 nights while that hole existed and then they disappeared again once the whole was filled in. One of them was just a few seconds but involved someone leaning through that hole and pushing me violently off my bed which just freaked me out. I could hardly sleep during those 2 nights and every time I did I woke after having another nightmare.

I think things like these situations above are part of the reason why I am a bit odd and stuff.


Postby Guest » Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:42 am
I used to hate going to sleep at night when I was a kid, maybe that's why I still have trouble sleeping!

My brothers shared a room and obviously my parents did and I always thought if anyone was going to be attacked in the middle of the night then it would be me because I was on my own.

My brothers used to tease me a lot, I don't like spiders much so they used to say there were spiders in my bed and stuff. Also my dad used to play cine-films a lot and we had one called Tarantula. The spider got injected in a lab with some gigantic spider building potion or something and it escaped and grew and grew and grew until it was this enormous spider gobbling all the people up. I thought it was pronounced "Tarr-ann-too-lar" and I've always shuddered when I saw tarantulas. That big spider will always be "Tarr-ann-too-Lar" to me!

Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:35 am
That's a cute way of saying Tarantula.....considering they aren't very cute creatures.

I had the opposite problem as I used to have no fear of spiders at all. When I was about 3 years old I brought 2 Sydney Funnel Web spiders into the house to show my Mum. She nearly died when she saw them and recognised what they were. I said to her don't worry they are dead because I found them in the dog's water.....she still freaked as you probably know they can survive under water for hours before drowning. Fortunately for me they were dead as they are one of the world's deadliest spiders and can kill you within 15 minutes of being bitten. I have swam in a few swimming pools in Sydney that has had Funnel Web spiders on the bottom of the pool. Luckily for me I haven't had too much contact with them for a few years although I did find one about 2 years ago in the corner of the back yard and it actually charged me which completely freaked me out because they can move fast when you don't have much room to move. I contained him in a large box with the help of a broom and contacted the Pest people to take him away.

There are lots of different types of Funnel Web spiders and not all are dangerous to humans (like the Mouse spider).....here are some pics for your enjoyment of course
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