2017 was a very good year for the smurfs : I have added many specimen to my collection. Among them : the rollerskater without panties, the footballer with beige ball, the fisherman with whole yellow fishing rod, the smurfette in gown marked CE + black dot, some special smurfs from UK including footballer with red ball, 3 UK footballers, 1 rugby (thank you Tommo) and brainy with yellow eyeglass frame, the one with present marked Sri Lanka, a blue raw jolly, baby with pastel cubes, one brown puppy, 2 carrying Staatl Fachinger green bottle, some CNT, some eura spain kind but without eura span marking, the hand etched schlips, a very special ballerina with original green mouse painted red on the green and many other variations.
But many are missing so I go on finding new treasures in 2018.