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Smurf a gram (smufs on stands)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:36 am
by Dansmurf
Hi everyone,

Being a smurf collector I am also interested in smurf a grams. However it is very seldom that I see one for sale here in Denmark and so far I only have 3 different with Danish text. My question is if some of you know if the same smurf a grams were sold in all countries just with text in different languages depending on which country it was sold in? Is there a complete list of smurf a grams?

All comments would be welcome:)

Kind regards

Re: Smurf a gram (smufs on stands)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:12 am
by Smurfysmurf
I don't think there is a complete list of them. Some of the Schleich Catalog show some of them.

Most are released in English or German, saw a lot in French as well.

And with the sockels (as I call them lol) you also have the problem that a lot were originally sold with another figure, but as the figure got lost, a smurf was put on it, so it's always hard to know if a smurf sockel is genuine.

We do have a reference thread with smurf catalogs on the forum, if you go thru these you will see a few sockels that are 100% since they have a Schleich number.